About NZ Native Timber Supplies
With over 20 years in the business, we understand our customers needs. If we don't have a certain specification of timber in stock, there's a good chance we know where to find it.​
Richard Uren comes from a long line of famous architects and himself trained as a quantity surveyor, before becoming self-employed at the age of 22. After a string of successful businesses, he has grown to love the timber industry, meeting real people and characters throughout the country, seeing our beautiful countryside, and developing a real passion for New Zealand's beautiful timbers.
NZ Native Timber Supplies is based at our family property in Reikorangi, Waikanae, and is managed by Richard and Debbie Uren, with two of our sons, Trent and Ben (both qualified builders) also working in the business.
We have a firm belief in honest integrity, listening to our customers' needs and supplying the best product and service possible.
Meeting our customers in person enables us to more easily discuss your project, ensure we understand your requirements, and possibly make suggestions to enhance your project. You are more than welcome to visit our property to view timber samples and see our operation.
We have the ability to slowly dry our own timber using our dehumidifier kiln, which gently extracts the moisture from the timber, rather than using traditional heat kilns. We usually air dry our timber for a period before drying in our dehumidifier. This kiln and our two mills, enables us to work with large slabs and long lengths and mill most sizes of timber for flooring, decking, weatherboards, beams, etc.
We operate fully under MPI restrictions and guidelines. Where possible, we source our logs from wind blown trees and from trees already dead or on the ground, conserving NZ's beautiful native bush.